Executive Committee
The Group Executive Committee plays a vital role
in the running of a Scout Group. Executive
Committees make decisions and carry out
administrative tasks to ensure that the best quality
Scouting can be delivered to young people in the
Executive committees are an important part of Scouting - but are often overlooked !
The Executive Committee exists to support the Group Scout Leader in meeting the responsibilities of their appointment.
Members of the Executive Committee must act collectively as Charity Trustees of the Scout Group. As charity trustees, Executive Committee members have a number of specific responsibilities that they must fulfil to ensure the effective running of the Scout Group.
All you need to know .......................................Group Exec
Below are our Group Executive members :-
Group Chair-
Sue Burrows Secretary
Franky Leggate Treasurer
Catherine Price Beaver Section Representative
Cub Section Representative
Roy Vesey Scout Section Representative
Explorer Section Representative
Co-Opted Member
Co-Opted Member
Quartermaster (Co-Opted)
Leader Members :-
Roger Isaacs Group Lead Volunteer---- - 07774 457001
Mike Mount Team Leader - 07712 767152
Jackie Bassant Team Leader - 07557 949869
Mike Mount Scout Lead Member - 07712 767152
Syd Grinnell Explorer Lead Member -07974 222518