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22nd Gillingham Parkwood Scouts



The Hydra Explorer Scouts are a Royal Naval recognised Sea Scout Unit , their uniform is a blue shirt or blouse with the RN(Royal Navy recognition) badge sewn onto the shirt or blouse, normally a black tie or the Group or District Necker ( or both)  is worn .

Navy blue activity trousers or navy blue skirt are also worn, with a Scout belt. They can wear an Explorer Belt and buckle or Explorer Scout Young Leader Buckle if either of these has been awarded.

At their Investiture they are given a number of badges to be sewn on their uniform one of which is the County / District badge which all members of the Group wear.

And as they progress on their journey in Scouting they are awarded Activity and Challenge badges , culminating in the highest award that a Scout can gain, the Chief Scout Gold Award.

Uniform and other clothing items can be purchase

The picture below shows the positioning of these, and others they can earn. Any question about uniform, please speak to any of the Leaders who would be more than happy to help.


Further information about the different badges Explorer Scouts can earn, may be found here on the Scout Association Website.

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