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22nd Gillingham Parkwood Scouts

Activities and Games

During the Cub meetings, Cubs take parts in numerous activities and games that are aimed for slightly older children.  Many of these activities will go towards earning either their Activity  Badges for the Cubs or Challenge Badges

How our activities works

Every young person in Scouting enjoys a balanced range of activities, events and experiences, based around subject areas we call Programme Zones.

The zones vary depending on which of our sections the young person is in, but they cover a huge range of activities, from outdoor and physical pursuits to community involvement, creative expression and learning about the wider world.

Together we help Scouts get the most out of their Scouting experience by including elements from as many zones as possible within the activities on offer. And, the older they get, the more input young people themselves have in their own activity selection.

 Again culminating in the highest award that a cub can gain , The Chief Scout Silver Award Badges

 Some of the activities Cubs take part in are:



We offer hundreds of activities, as diverse as;

  • kayaking
  • abseiling
  • staged performance
  • paragliding
  • archery
  • Outdoor field games (when the weather suits)
  • Celebrations such as St Georges Day,  American Independence Day
  • Games based around historical events, e.g. the Battle of Britain
  • Arts and crafts

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